Tryout Schedule

Tuesday, August 13th @ Rahway Recreation Center

13s-15s | 5:00-6:30pm
16s-18s | 7:00-8:30pm

Wednesday, August 14th @
Rahway Recreation Center

13s-15s | 5:00-6:30pm
16s-18s | 7:00pm-8:30pm

IMPORTANT:  All players MUST HAVE a USAV membership. All returning USAV players are covered until 8/31. Please arrive to your correct tryout time at least 15min early. You DO NOT need to attend both days of tryouts BUT it is highly recommended.

What do i need to tryout?

1: Registration Form

Fill out the online Impact Volleyball Club Tryout Registraion Form. Please note you DO NOT need to attend both days of tryouts BUT it is highly recommended.

2: USAV Membership*

Register for a GEVA/ USAV Membership. This must be done on a COMPUTER prior to showing up for tryouts.* Please bring a printout of your membership card.

3: USAV Medical Form

CLICK HERE to download and print the USAV Medical Form Your child cannot participate in tryouts without this form.

4: $60 Tryout Fee

A $60 tryout fee is required which covers both days of tryouts. Please bring cash or a check made out to "Impact Volleyball Club". We DO NOT take electronic payments.

*A GEVA/ USAV Tryout membership will be available for members this season. It is a restricted membership covering tryouts only and will be available for purchase July 15th and will become active on August 11th. Current Members should not purchase this membership. 

USAV Age Chart