Tuesday, August 13th @ Rahway Recreation Center
13s-15s | 5:00-6:30pm
16s-18s | 7:00-8:30pm
Wednesday, August 14th @
Rahway Recreation Center
13s-15s | 5:00-6:30pm
16s-18s | 7:00pm-8:30pm
IMPORTANT: All players MUST HAVE a USAV membership. All returning USAV players are covered until 8/31. Please arrive to your correct tryout time at least 15min early. You DO NOT need to attend both days of tryouts BUT it is highly recommended.
Fill out the online Impact Volleyball Club Tryout Registraion Form. Please note you DO NOT need to attend both days of tryouts BUT it is highly recommended.
Register for a GEVA/ USAV Membership. This must be done on a COMPUTER prior to showing up for tryouts.* Please bring a printout of your membership card.
CLICK HERE to download and print the USAV Medical Form Your child cannot participate in tryouts without this form.
A $60 tryout fee is required which covers both days of tryouts. Please bring cash or a check made out to "Impact Volleyball Club". We DO NOT take electronic payments.
*A GEVA/ USAV Tryout membership will be available for members this season. It is a restricted membership covering tryouts only and will be available for purchase July 15th and will become active on August 11th. Current Members should not purchase this membership.